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What happens at Campden Baptist Church?

Firstly, thank you for taking time to visit our website and welcome to Campden Baptist Church where there is something for everyone! It doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from, you are welcome.


For many people going somewhere new for the first time, or making contact with people we don't know, can be a big thing. Lots of people in our church remember taking their first step into the church building, or the first time they came to a service, and recall thinking how anxious they were; would they be embarrassed, made to feel awkward or be judged and rejected? We're glad to say that their fears and worries were unfounded. It doesn't matter what age you are, your background or life story, whether you come alone, with a friend or your family, we look forward to welcoming you.


We have a large variety of ministries, events & activities, with events specifically aimed at children, youth, young adults,  men and women.  Do also take a look at our Small Groups page, where we have a variety of different ways of enjoying time together.


We are very involved with our local community as well as further afield with links with organisations and Christians around the world.


If you want to know more about following Jesus and the Christian faith - then why not consider attending one of our Alpha courses where you can explore life's BIG questions in an informal and welcoming environment over a home cooked meal. We run the Alpha Course twice a year on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm-10pm - do get in touch with Philip Deller to find out more!

Youth & Teens

We have a large number of teens who are a valuable part of Campden Baptist Church.  


Throughout the week we have a range of groups and activities, led by Tim Crummack and his team of volunteers.

Our young people are a part of our church, involved in leading worship and running events as well as attending larger scale events such as Limitless in the Summer Holidays to enjoy fellowship with other Christian teenagers.

Women's Ministry

We make space for Women’s Ministry; where women can invite their friends, meet together, worship, 

witness and grow their faith.


There are many opportunities to build friendships, to strengthen and to encourage one another through regular events.

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Kid's Ministry

Children and young people are an integral and important part of Campden Baptist Church. We don’t expect them to be still or quiet, but we actively encourage them to discover more about Jesus and Christian faith in a fun and active way each week!


Throughout the week we have a range of groups and activities for children of all ages, led and run by a wonderful team of gifted, enthusiastic and committed volunteers.


Verity Booker is our Children’s Ministry Leader who leads, co-ordinates and oversees all the different aspects of children’s work (including crèche, Junior Church and ages up to teenage years, and their families).

In our Community

We love sharing the gospel with compassion,  generosity and serving our community. 

Every month we serve in our local community to care and show practical expressions of God’s love. These include Baby & You, Foodbank, Renew 55, Campden Ukraine Hub, Solid Ground Gospel Choir and getting involved in local community events.

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Men's Ministry

We are working towards and we long to see men who are passionate, courageous and determined to lead lives which honour Jesus and advance His kingdom. Jesus Christ calls for men to live courageously, boldly and faithfully in many areas of our lives; at work, with families, friends, through mission and outreach.

Our aim of men’s ministry is to reach, envision, equip, and commission men to be more Christ-like in every aspect of their lives. We are continually developing this aspect of our work and ministry with regular breakfast and sporting events.

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